We’d love to have 400 folks join us in Sunday School on April 28th! Come check it out and invite everyone you know!! For questions about any of these groups, please contact the church office. We look forward to seeing you at 945 on Sunday morning!!

Lakewood offers a variety of options for everyone during the Sunday School hour. Take a look and see where God might be calling you to participate. Not only are these classes there to help you grow in God, but you will gain more relationships and have a lot of fun! Summaries of each class are given below, but everyone is welcome everywhere! If you are interested in a class that may not list your age group or activities you’re used to, it doesn’t matter! Join wherever God is leading you!


  • Wanted: Your Children!

    The nursery is provided for kids Birth—2 years old, with lessons led by Cora Thomas. 3–5 year old children, who are not yet in Kindergarten, are welcome to our Preschool class, led by teachers, Kim Blackwelder and McKayla Grobusky. Elementary children, Kindergarten—2nd grade, are invited to our Elementary Sunday School, led by Brittaney Rawdon and Rebecca Byrd. Also, on the education hallway, our 3rd—5th graders are led by teachers Eddie & Sandra Thrift. For questions or more information about any of these groups, please contact Charity Turbeville, Director of Children’s Ministries. 

  • Lakewood Youth

    Lakewood Youth encourages all 6th—12th graders to come be a part of Youth Sunday School, led by our Student Pastor, Rev. Cory Hinton, for some Bible,  God-conversation and good friendships. This group meets upstairs in our Youth Class during the SS hour.


  • the Bridge

    Adulting is tough, but what if it doesn’t have to be? If you want to be a part of something bigger than yourself, discover how you can make a difference, find belonging, discover purpose, and unleash who you really are, then the Bridge is the ministry opportunity for you. Led by Logan Thomas, this group serves to aid, in an authentic way, individuals between the ages of 18 yrs. to 30 yrs. who want to be a part of something bigger, but just aren’t sure what that is yet. Each week we will aim to discover the answer to these 3 questions: 1. Who Am I? 2. Where Do I Fit? 3. What Difference Do I Make? If you’ve already began the process of answering these 3 questions, Great! Let us help you by listening to your perspective and offer you helpful resources and advice. Meet us in the first modular on the right.

  • Young Married

    Join this group, led by Pastor Jerry, as we discuss many topics and Scripture with the focus on a Godly marriage.  Whether you feel young, are young, or your marriage is young, you are invited to join this class that meets in the first modular on the left.

  • Connected in Christ

    Connected in Christ meets in the choir room during the Sunday School hour.  Join teacher, Denny Wise, and this group of 40 and 50-somethings—although, all ages are welcome—as they study the Apostle Paul’s letters to the New Testament Churches.  

  • Challenger

    These Senior Adults come together to discuss  Scriptures.  Led by Ralph  Jackson, join us in the conference room, as we share our thoughts and help each other learn and worship in a conversation format.  Challenger is currently studying Genesis, as presented in a Sunday School quarterly.

  • Adult Class

    Senior Adults join together in the fellowship hall.  Come join your friends as we learn through lessons taught by Bobby Hedgpath.  

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